How do I address this error about USB devices?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by acousticbiker, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker Junior Member

    I'm trying to get Parallels (Windows) to notice my Palm device and get the following message:

    "USB device you are trying to connect to the virtual machine is being used by another process. Wait 5-10 seconds, then try to connect the device again. If this does not help, find the application that blocked up the device and disconnect it manually."

    Any ideas on how to address this? Are there certain apps that tend to "block up the device" as it says above?
  2. dlynn439

    dlynn439 Bit poster

    Anybody have a clue how to manually disconnect a usb device in OSX? The devices show up in ISX's USB port list, they GOTTA Go

    I have several devices that apple captures and I can't get them to release for parallels.

    The devices have NO drivers or software installed on the OSX Side, (It doesn't exist).

    I see the devices on the paralles list but cannot connect. Keep getting the Wiat 5-10 seconds msg.

  3. dlynn439

    dlynn439 Bit poster

    I have found from the vendors of my XP only USB Devices that they are Human Interface Devices (Using that protocol), although OSX has no use or software to connect to them, they will not release at all

    I will ask again how do you release inside OSX?
  4. rjbailey

    rjbailey Member

    I've got the same problem, I wish I knew the answer. It's the problem of the day, so if I find anything I'll post it here.
  5. Jmdor

    Jmdor Member

    This is a known issue with some usb devices -- most were fixed in the final release, but apparently some were not. It's a parallels issue -- you'll have to hope that they fix it in an upcoming release.
  6. PaLok

    PaLok Bit poster

    I do hope that there will be an update soon!

    The reason of buying Parallels was the need of a Windows-environment so I could stay using my Garmin Quest on the brandnew iMac...

    And now.... sigh.... I can't use the Garmin till the update.....


    I found this at Garmin:

    Garmin Provides Update on Mac Compatibility

    OLATHE, KS/June 27, 2006 Garmin today announced an update on the launch of its application support for Mac OS X version 10.4 "Tiger." The companys Training Center software is now expected to be compatible with Mac OS X version 10.4 "Tiger by the end of 2006. Also at that time, we will announce the expected completion date for Garmins other hardware and software applications. We thank the Mac community for their support, understanding and patience as we work through these unanticipated delays, and we look forward to providing Mac users with direct support for their Garmin products.

    Notice on forward-looking statements:
    This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. and its business. All statements regarding the companys future product introductions and expected product availability dates are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on management's current expectations. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the risk factors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission file number 0-31983). A copy of Garmins Form 10-K can be downloaded at No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2006
  7. conalho

    conalho Member

    I believe this is a Parallels problem and not actually an OS X problem, so there's nothing we can do about it until the Parallels folks release an improved version.
  8. gany

    gany Bit poster

    Microchip MPLAB ICD2 USB device also gets captured by OSX

    same problem here, Parallels says one should close the OSX program using the USB device or manually disconnect the device from the USB under OSX and try again in 5 to 10 seconds. Parallels was the only program running at the time after a reboot of the computer. Please Parallels people, tell us how to manually tell OSX to give a USB device available so that Parallels can capture it for the virtual machine.
  9. pbagnall

    pbagnall Bit poster

    I often get the same problem. My keyboard and mouse are connected via my monitor, and as I switch the display from my G5 back to my MacBook I get a whole heap of these errors. If I just keep dismissing them after about 15 seconds Parellels gets over it.

    I would consider the problem solved if it just kept silent about this and didn't show the errors, since it does recover, (and fairly quickly). But that may not address other people's concerns.
  10. hotzenplotz

    hotzenplotz Bit poster

    I have the same problem with my Canon Lide 30 Scanner. Any ideas how to fix it?
  11. nycruza

    nycruza Hunter

    I shut-off the device before booting Parallels or unplug my hub.
  12. haralds

    haralds Member

    I have the same problem with a USB HID Pulse Sensor. I really would like to see more documentation of how the underlying interface for Parallels is working with HID devices, and whether I can do anything to make our device work.

    I like the product and would like to recommend it to our customers, but there are no answers from the team!

    == Harald
  13. rbarbera

    rbarbera Bit poster

    Same problem here with a Philips TouCam Pro Web cam. There aren't OS X drivers, but Parallels say that this device is used by other program. Any clue? How can I "liberate" the USB device?
  14. conalho

    conalho Member

    This has been a long standing Parallels problem. If you search the forum for "Garmin" you will notice that many Garmin users are having that USB problem. Parallels team has never, as far as I know, say anything about if they're working on the issue and when they project the problem will be solve. I too, am thorougly disappointed.
  15. kwojniak

    kwojniak Junior Member

    I'm getting this error with 1922 with a Dell printer... can't seem to make it go away. :mad:
  16. BruceK

    BruceK Member

    I had the same problem until I setup Parallels for USB Autoconnect On. I was then able to successfully Hot Sync my Garmin iQue 3600, and also to connect to my Streetpilot 3.

  17. fellow

    fellow Junior Member

    usb device conflict

    I would like to print from xp sometimes, and it appears there is no way to access the printer.

    I got the only OS X system crash in months when I tries to connect a printer to the VM.

    Maybe a workaround it to share the printer from OSX to the network and then connect via network, not usb.

    Anyone tried this?

  18. fellow

    fellow Junior Member

    another possible workaround

    I booted the VM wih autoconnect on and the printer itself off. After loggin in I turned on the printer and heard the XP poping as it notices new h/w. I finshed the driver install and it recognized it.

    It now appears to work, although firefox does not print well.

    All the best,


    [email protected] Junior Member

    I didn't have this problem until 1940. :/ I'm thinking of trying to roll back just because of it b/c it makes my device very unusable (Treo 700w). Parallels also seems to lose track of the device -- it stops appearing on the USB menu. This has always happened, but also seems much worse in 1940.
  20. nycruza

    nycruza Hunter

    Use Boot-Camp


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