How about a NEW Windows and Linux version

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by tonyric, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. tonyric

    tonyric Bit poster

    One that is feature comparable to the MAC OSX version. How about some lovin for the folks that funded the MAC version. LOL
  2. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    May be you will see smth at the end of year. ;)
  3. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Or maybe the end of the year will prove to be too late, by which time, all of us, now third class citizens, will have gone away to use something that has active development.
  4. doddles

    doddles Bit poster

    I converted my Parallels VM with WinXP installed as guest running under Linux host to a VMWare VM. Now running in the free VMPlayer with tools installed - much smoother and faster than Parallels, and so far more reliable. The folks at Parallels have already half lost me. Unless they get their act together fast, then they'll lose us Linux and Windows host users to either VMWare or VirtualBox, which are both free. It's a pity, because I bought a Parallels licence a long time ago and have been a promoter until quite recently.

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