"Hot swap" real-device disk partitions

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by itsdapead, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. itsdapead

    itsdapead Hunter

    I prefer to keep separate "boot camp" (with separate system and data partitions) and "parallels" installations of windows - I'd rather do that than lose the suspend/resume functionality in parallels.

    What *is* useful is the ability to mount the data partition in Parallels for certain work. OTOH, if I just need to read a word document or check a website with IE, I'd prefer to keep suspend/resume.

    Currently, the only way of mounting/dismounting the partition I can see is to shut down the VM and change the config (which, since I have a custom disk setup means editing the .pvs file). Actually I've cloned the file and just start up one version or the other (but I guess its then my funeral if I start one while the other is suspended).

    What would be handy is the ability to treat partitions (and disk images, why not?) as removable devices that could be connected as required.

    (Alternatively, a system that let you have different "profiles" for a single VM but stopped you accidentally launching both at once would do!)
  2. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    As far as I understand your request Parallels Explorer will solve this for you perfectly. Did you tried to use it?
  3. itsdapead

    itsdapead Hunter

    Thanks for the response. I posted the question before I had tried version 3.
    Parallels Explorer won't open the VM that I'm using - probably because it has a custom line:
    (The two data partitions from my BootCamp installation).

    In any case, I want to access it from the VM, not OSX. This works fine, except I don't want the extra drive when I'm not using it (it blocks snapshots, suspend etc.) which means I have to change the .pvs file (or keep two copies and be careful not to start them at the same time!). Even if it was a "standard" disc that could be added/removed from the VM config that would still be annoying.

    To be able to connect/disconnect Disk1:1 while the VM was running (like you can do with CDs, shared folders and USBs) would be great - if that is impossible, to be able to enable/disable a disc from the VM config without removing the entry completely would be helpful.
  4. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    OK, thanks for explanation. We will think what can be done to solve your problems.

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