Host Kernel panic in com.parallels.kext.vmmain

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Forrest Gump, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. Forrest Gump

    Forrest Gump Member

    Hi all,

    I just encountered a Mac OSX 10.4.11 kernel panic that was caused by Parallels 3.0 Build 5584. I was running a Windows XP VM and attempted to open "System" in the control panel (if that's even relevant). The panic details are:


    Mon Mar 10 23:26:49 2008
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x00C4EF6F): unknown VM exit basic reason: 3 (0x0_00c63944, 0x54545fb0).
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x54545f14 : 0x128d0d (0x3cc65c 0x54545f38 0x131f95 0x0)
    0x54545f54 : 0xc4ef6f (0xc52ffc 0x3 0x0 0xc63944)
    0x54545fa4 : 0xc4b55e (0x54545fb0 0x3598f13c 0x0 0x0)
    0x54545fb0 : 0x0 (0x0 0x0 0x25723f18 0x0) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x3598f13c
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):

    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386

  2. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello Forrestgump2000,

    Please reinstall Parallels this way:

    Go to Finder - Applications - Utilities - Terminal.

    Type and run the following commands:

    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/hypervisor.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsvnic.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/ConnectUSB.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsnet.kext
    • sudo rm -rf /Library/Parallels/
    • sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.parallels.*

    Before you run these commands, please make sure that your VM hdd and pvs files are NOT stored in ~/Library/Parallels.

    Reboot your Mac and reinstall Parallels.

    Best regards,
  3. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers


    I also recommend you upgrading to build 5592.

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