I've noticed that I'm getting very high kernel CPU usage since RC2 (well over 50% on each core) This is killing the battery life in my MacBook Pro. Does anyone have any suggestions and / or has seen this behavior? I'll try uninstall / reinstall of RC2 later tonight to see if this goes away. Thanks -John http://www.iunknown.com
I noticed this today, but thought it was something else happening in the system. I just was debugging this, and thought I'd check the forums. Do you perhaps have Windows Sharing turned on in the Sharing preference pane? On my system, when I turned this off, the load went away. I then disabled the Parallels Host-Guest Adaptor in the Network preference pane, and re-enabled Windows Sharing, and the load has not started up again. However, I suspect it will happen again if I reboot, as it looks like "nmbd" (part of Samba, the Windows networking stack in OS X) can't start if the Parallels Host-Guest Adaptor is running, and just loops.