High kernel CPU usage

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by John Lam, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. John Lam

    John Lam Bit poster

    I've noticed that I'm getting very high kernel CPU usage since RC2 (well over 50% on each core)

    This is killing the battery life in my MacBook Pro. Does anyone have any suggestions and / or has seen this behavior?

    I'll try uninstall / reinstall of RC2 later tonight to see if this goes away.

  2. jslabovitz

    jslabovitz Bit poster

    I noticed this today, but thought it was something else happening in the system. I just was debugging this, and thought I'd check the forums.

    Do you perhaps have Windows Sharing turned on in the Sharing preference pane? On my system, when I turned this off, the load went away. I then disabled the Parallels Host-Guest Adaptor in the Network preference pane, and re-enabled Windows Sharing, and the load has not started up again.

    However, I suspect it will happen again if I reboot, as it looks like "nmbd" (part of Samba, the Windows networking stack in OS X) can't start if the Parallels Host-Guest Adaptor is running, and just loops.

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