Ok so I spent most of the night being frustrated because my 98 wasn't installing. Somehow I got the setup to work once last night, and went through the process but at the end I was discouraged because it was asking me for my window 98 cd in order to install a .DLL but my CD stopped working/being read at this point. I skipped through it with many cancel/s and skips and eventually got to my desktop, but there was no CD ROM device that I could use on windows 98. I spent another 1-2 hours trying to figure out what to do, and nothing worked s I just deleted it. I tried starting it again and didnt get it to setup for another 2 hours or so before getting the setup to start and then passing out. I woke up and it was finished and waiting for me to put my activation key, but I'm at the part where it asks me for my cd key to copy a ffile dhcpsvc.dll So my question is, how do I get it read my CD that's in my drive and how do I get my cd-rom to work on windows 98? And how do I get Windows 98 to read CD's once everything is set up, because the reason why I'm installing Windows 98 is because I found out I had a windows XP disc instead of a full one, and thought it would be easier to install 98 then upgrade it. And also my trial is almost over, so the faster you can help the better.