HASP almost there....HELP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by netdog, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. netdog

    netdog Hunter

    My HASP (Alladin Hasp HL) works if I put in in the USB slot AFTER booting XP. If it is installed beforehand, however, the Mac grabs it and, even if I take it out and put it in again, the Mac still holds possession of it.

    I stupidly installed the new Intel Mac Drivers (./dinst using command "sudo ./disnt") from Alladin thinking that giving the Apple an awareness of the Hasp would make it easier for Windows to see it in Parallels. Alladin, of course, has no tech support line and won't respond to emails asking how to uninstall the Mac driver.

    I know that you guys have been working on getting the Hasp working (Bravo!!!), so I thought you could probably answer two questions -

    1) Do I want to keep the driver installed in the Mac?

    2) If not, how can I uninstall it? Surely you guys have done this, or Alladin will answer you.

    HELP! It is a real pain to fiddle with the USB on the back everytime I want to use this. Bravo for getting this working as it is the thing that I absolutely need to run under Windows on my Mac. Another happy customer. I am glad that I bought this program. Thanks for making such a great product available. Boot Camp would not have done it for me.

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