Has anyone gotten Ubuntu Feisty Fawn to shut down properly?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by slimemold, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. slimemold

    slimemold Hunter

    I've read a lot of threads suggesting ways to fix this (not specific to Parallels). Mostly involving acpi and apm. But I've yet to see a solution that works for me.

    Basically, when I shut down my Feisty Fawn virtual machine, the VM will not turn off. The only thing I can do, really, is stare at the hard drive activity icon and wait for it to stop for a while before manually shutting down, since I don't see any text during shutdown - just a blank black virtual screen.

    It was like this with Edgy Eft as well. Haven't tried Dapper Drake.

    Has anyone managed to get this to work properly?
  2. slimemold

    slimemold Hunter

    No takers on this?
  3. chabig

    chabig Hunter

    I often have trouble resuming my Feisty Fawn from suspension, and have to force restart the VM.
  4. slimemold

    slimemold Hunter

    Oh, I turn power management off on my virtual machines, figuring that my Mac's power management would bring the system to a low power state (along with the virtual machines) anyway, at the appropriate time.

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