Guest OS freezes after Mountain Lion upgrade

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Tom Clark, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Tom Clark

    Tom Clark Bit poster

    I have PD7 Build 7.0.15104 (Revision 778994; July 10, 2012) running on Mac OS X 10.7.4. I have a Guest Mac OS X 10.7.4 which was functioning without issue. Within the Guest OS, I downloaded and installed the Mountain Lion upgrade from the Apple App Store. Upon reboot of the Guest OS, the virtual machine freezes, and I get the grey screen with the Apple in the middle. I left it that way over night, but it's still hung. What can I do to correct this issue?
  2. geauxvols

    geauxvols Bit poster

    I'll be interested in how this issue is mitigated. Tom, how much RAM had you allocated to the guest VM? I have a sneaking suspicion that this is part of the issue. I ran an upgrade initially at 2 GB RAM, and got the "gray screen of death". I'm now reverting to my original guest image and upgrading to 4 GB RAM to see if that solves the problem.
  3. Tom Clark

    Tom Clark Bit poster

    I have the guest OS configured with 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 1GB Video RAM, full screen (I've also tried Windowed).

    I hope somebody can help me out with this.

  4. geauxvols

    geauxvols Bit poster

    2 CPUs Needed


    Up your virtual machine to 2 processors, and it will work. I can confirm this on my end. A single processor never loaded for me, and I let the installer run overnight twice. Two processors installed in under 30 minutes.

  5. Tom Clark

    Tom Clark Bit poster

    That seems to work, I was able to get through the install. Not too happy with the performance though, as some things are very slow. Thanks for your help.

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