I installed Boot Camp the day it came out. I installed the Parallels emulator the next, and GREATLY prefer it. I'm reading press virtually every day about Apple Bootcamp and how it will change the face of computing, but not a whisper on Parallels. Are you guys holding off on your press releases?
Here is the link to the times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/13/technology/13pogue.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
You can check out all of our great media coverage here: http://www.parallels.com/en/media/ There are literally several hundred articles about us all over the net!
spreading like wildfire The word is definately spreading about this product. Every where I look I see articles concerning it. And today, I had to take my MBP to my local Apple Store when they gave it back the guy said, "I noticed you have Parallels in the dock, how is it?" Didn't take but a second to boot it up and show everyone how great it was! Impressed everyone around.
Macintouch has been covering Parallels. I posted an article at http://www.macmegasite.com/drupal/node/2892