Graphics/Video Question

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by onefortheroad, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. onefortheroad

    onefortheroad Bit poster

    Has anyone testing the PW Mac Beta done any video editing within the guest PW window? Let's say on my Intel iMac I want to use a Windows based video editing program like Adobe Premiere or Vegas video, etc. There is also a really good quick "auto" editing program from

    Has anyone done any compression like MPEG2 within the VM?

    Also, I don't really have a need for intensive 3D support but how is performance with games like Civilization or children's games like Dora or other games from Disney?

    Any comments would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. cmo

    cmo Bit poster

    My experience, when I can get it working, is that video update speed is not wonderful, and certainly not up to real-time games and things. It's not a patch on running Windows native using BootCamp (in video speeds terms). In terms of raw computational benchmarks it's about 20% slower than Windows running natively on the same machine.

    I'm hoping they can increase video performance before final release.

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