Got 5 VMs damaged, can no longer boot them

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Lvanproosdij, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Lvanproosdij

    Lvanproosdij Bit poster

    Yesterday I updated Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac to version 12.1.3 (41532) from version 12.1.1 (which I last ran in November 2016).
    I run a 16 GB iMac mid 2011 under macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32). My volume is a v4,7 TB FusionDrive (750 GB SSD + 4 TB HD), and it is in a perfect shape, regularly checking with Disk Utility, and reporting no error.
    I have 5 VMs that I use for testing with different Windows versions : 1 Windows XP, 1 Windows 7, 1 Windows 8.1, 2 Windows 10.
    Yesterday, after updating to Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac to version 12.1.3, I launched each VM to update to latest Parallels Tools.
    Install of Parallels Tools was fine on all VMs, and I also applied latest Windows updates on each VM. Everything was working fine, each VM was booting smoothly.
    I then compressed each VMs to regain a few GB.
    Later in the day, when relaunching Parallels all VMs can't boot. They are all corrupted, and I can't repair them.
    Capture d’écran 2017-02-13 à 10.32.30.png Capture d’écran 2017-02-13 à 10.33.01.png Capture d’écran 2017-02-13 à 10.34.02.png Capture d’écran 2017-02-13 à 10.36.04.png
  2. Raj@Parallels

    Raj@Parallels Guest

    Try running Windows into safe mode and then reboot Windows:
    As per the screenshot, select Advanced options -> Troubleshoot -> Startup settings -> Restart -> Safe mode with networking select the corresponding number.
    Then, try rebooting Windows virtual machine.
  3. Lvanproosdij

    Lvanproosdij Bit poster

    It didn't work. I tried on the 4 VMs.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, please provide us with size of your VMs (.pvm files)?
  5. Lvanproosdij

    Lvanproosdij Bit poster

    Windows 10.pvm = 36,82 GB
    Windows 8.pvm = 22,7 GB
    Windows 7.pvm = 33,9 GB
    Windows XP.pvm = 11,81 GB
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thanks a lot fir your reply.Could you please generate e problem report using this KB
    please reply us back with the report ID
  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    @Lvanproosdij and one more question: do you save your Windows data on the Mac side?

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