Full screen on single physical monitor Parallels 12.0.2 (41353) not working properly?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by KristofferL, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. KristofferL

    KristofferL Bit poster


    I´m having an issue with full screen since after updating to Parallels 12. I have a MacBook Pro Retina 13", with two external 1440p monitors connected. The lid on the MBP is closed, so the internal retina screen is not used.

    In version 11, it was possible to run a VM in full screen on a single physical monitor , without having the other monitor blacked out, or to have Parallels running in windowed mode, with the gray border on top. A prefect solution for me - one monitor running OSX, the other running Windows - side by side.

    In the VM settings, under Options -> Full Screen, there is an option saying "Use all displays in full screen". It is currently not set. If i select Full Screen in the VM border, I get one blacked out monitor, and the other running the VM. If i then set the "Use all displays in full screen", the same happens. Seems to me this function does´t work properly.

    What I am trying to achieve, is to have the VM running "border less" on a single physical monitor, in a dual monitor setup, just like it did in Parallels 11. How can I accomplish this?
  2. Dinesh@Parallels

    Dinesh@Parallels Guest

    Hello @KristofferL ,
    Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac supports only native Mac OS Full Screen mode. After the upgrade to Parallels Desktop 12 your virtual machine is now using the native macOS full screen mode.
    Any other application on a Mac will behave the same way: after entering full screen with the external monitor attached, the image on external display will be black. This is the native Mac OS behaviour. Please check this KB article for more information.

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