FreeBSD 13.4 - Appears to work in App Store Edition - Apple Silicon

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by computeronix, Jan 4, 2025.

  1. computeronix

    computeronix Bit poster

    FYI while FreeBSD 13.4 is not "officially" supported or listed in Guest edition for Parallels, Silicon -

    It appears to install with no issues (at least I have yet to find any).

    Note: Parallels guest tools will not install (at least natively)

    Just FYI

    Parallels team - please review documentation and with engineering for listing FreeBSD 13.4 for potential support in Apple M-Series section for App Store edition.

    Note: FreeBSD 14.x and higher does not work out of the box. Due to a new virtio_gpu added in FreeBSD -
    The VM gets stuck on boot as a result of this driver
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  2. computeronix

    computeronix Bit poster


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