floopy as a: drive

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by jfutral, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. jfutral

    jfutral Bit poster

    How can I set a connected USB floppy as the A: drive instead of the B: drive?

    In VMware Fusion I was able to disable the A: drive in the Hardware window and the USB floppy was able to mount as the A: drive. Yet with Parallels 3188 this did not work. The USB floppy stayed as the B: drive.

    The only software I use in XP does not have a way to set it to see and use a B: drive, it will only use the A: drive. Virtual floppy images are not an option.

    Any help is appreciated.

    OS X 10.4.9
    MacBook Pro 2.1GHz
    using Boot Camp partition


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