Firefox 57 on Windows 10 64bit virtual machine

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by jorgemtds, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. jorgemtds

    jorgemtds Junior Member

    I have installed Firefox 57 on a Windows 10 virtual machine and I can't use it.

    It installs perfectly but when I open Firefox I just see something flashing on the screen and then goes away. But I can see that Firefox is open on the Taskbar. Also I can close Firefox on the Taskbar.
    I think it may be a driver issue with the Parallels Tools software.

    The same Firefox 57 install file works perfectly on real machines.
  2. ThomasB16

    ThomasB16 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    I was also experiencing the same FF57 startup flashing window problem on a Parallels Windows 10 Pro 64bit VM on a Mac Mini late 2012 with MacOS Sierra latest version but not on my Windows 7 or 8.1 VMs.
    I then created a new VM with a fresh Windows 10 install and a FF57 install and FF57 worked correctly. I then started to do my usual Windows 10 custom settings all at once and then FF57 started having the same startup flashing problem. Luckily I had taken a snapshot of the fresh install before customization that worked so I went back to that and then made each of my customization changes one at a time testing FF57 after each change.
    For me, I was able to identify that under Settings|Personalization|Colors if I had both a "Windows Colors" selected and show accent color in "Title Bar" selected it would produce the flashing windows on FF57 startup. If I either let "Windows automatically select an accent color" or unchecked the show accent color in "Title Bar" then it would correct the problem and FF57 ran correctly. If I then went back and reselected those two options FF57 would exhibit the startup flashing window problem.
    With further testing if I let "Windows automatically select an accent color" and left the show accent color in "Title Bar" selected and FF57 started correctly then I could close FF57 and then choose my own "Windows Color" again and FF57 would startup correctly until then next reboot and then FF57 would go back to the flashing window at startup again. I could once again correct the problem by making either one of the changes that I indicated above. I was able to reproduce this behavior multiple times.
    I then went back to my original Windows 10 VM that I first found the FF57 startup flashing windows problem and unchecked the show accent color in "Title Bars" and FF57 started up correctly.
    I hope this helps others and allows Parallels to reproduce the problem so they can find a solution.
  3. Stefan4

    Stefan4 Bit poster

    Same issue with 32 bit on McBook Retina and non Retina Imac Late 2013. I am on High Sierra ans Parallels 13.1 and a VM Win 10 Build 1907 on both machines. Tried everything from clean install Firefox, Protected mode Firefox, Direct X Change an or disable, Coherence , Full screen, disabling sync ect. nothing helps
  4. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Guys, please generate technical reports via Help menu while this issue reproduces. Post report IDs here please.
  5. Stefan4

    Stefan4 Bit poster

    Here it is:
  6. jorgemtds

    jorgemtds Junior Member

    My technical report is 225511111.

    On a Linux Mint 18.2 virtual machine Firefox 57 runs perfectly. The problem seems to be with Windows 10 only.
  7. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Hi Guys, we are unable reproduce the problem in our lab. FF57 works on our computers in the same configurations. Could you please recall some details? Has FF been previously installed? Which version? Do you have specific software installed inside your virtual machines?
    jorgemtds likes this.
  8. Stefan4

    Stefan4 Bit poster

    no Specific Software. Win 10 is an upgrade from Win 7 (not a clean install) Firefox upgrade from 56 as well as clean install after uninstall.
  9. jorgemtds

    jorgemtds Junior Member

    I also had no specific software, just like "Stefan4". I just had Avast, Dropbox, Steam and MS Office.
    I created a new VM and reinstalled Windows. Firefox 57 now works without any problems.
    Thank you all for the comments. Alone, I would have never thought of creating a new VM.
  10. AlexN2

    AlexN2 Bit poster

    Why bother?
    The answers are _always_ the same:
    • We can't reproduce
    • Tweet the unhelpful people at @parallels"Cares"
    • Email the out-sourced "support" folks whose English is matched by their understanding of the product
    • My favorite: upgrade and face at least three months of horror waiting for regressions from the previous released to be re-fixed.
    I've been through the ringer with Parallels since PD6. And try as I might (and I try every year), I can't convert to either VBox or Fusion. But if there were a viable alternative, I'd be off this bus as fast as my fingers would allow.
  11. Stefan4

    Stefan4 Bit poster

    I am positive that the support guys will find an other solution than reinstalling everything ! Especially when you have company licenses this is always a mess (beside from all the security settings)
  12. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<
  13. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Hi, Alex. Unfortunately, yes. We can't reproduce the issue. It might be not Parallels Desktop problem and you have installed not compatible FireFox plugins for example. Or Firefox 57 is buggy. No? We can do nothing if there is no reproduction. I have installed FF57 on several machines in our lab and the problem is not exist. Did some upgrades with same results. It works. Parallels Desktop is an hardware emulator not a Windows or Firefox emulator. There are too many aspects. And I'm sure Firefox has some troubles on a real hardware PC. But, we are trying to help our customers with Windows and Firefox problems. Thank you.

    Attached Files:

  14. TerryV4

    TerryV4 Bit poster

    I see from your screen shot that you are running 1703. Have you tried in W10 1510? For some reason my 1510 system will not upgrade to 17xx so I'm stuck on 1510. FF 57 does not run on this version either. Same indications, flashing segments of the FF browser. I have tried starting FF in safe-mode (to disable plugins), I've disabled DirectX 10 and vertical syncing in the VM and I'm also disabled GPU rendering. All result in the same problem.
  15. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Ок, i will try some earlier Windows 10 versions and back to you soon.
  16. ・andreas・

    ・andreas・ Bit poster

    I have the same issue too. Only in Windows 10 (I have version 1709, 64-bit) and with Firefox 57. It works in my Windows 8.1 guest, which I also tried, and with Firefox 56 on the same Windows 10 guest that doesn't work with FF57.
    I tried things like changing graphics acceleration between DirectX 10, 9, or disabled, but the problem is still there.
    Tried activating and disabling HiDPI without any result.
    Tried a clean install of Firefox, and tried to start with a new Firefox user profile, but nothing seems to work.
    Also tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit versions of Firefox 57.

    Could it have to do with my exact hardware? I have a MacBook Pro 15 inch, late 2013, 2.6 Ghz, with GeForce GT 750M and Intel Iris Pro 5200 graphics.
    Someone else with this problem that use something close to that?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
  17. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    TerryV4, tried on another versions of Windows and other hardware as well as mix of 32 and 64 bit systems. Bad news. Not reproduced. I have no idea why... Strange thing was investigated, FF57 do not use any hardware acceleration inside virtual machine. Maybe this is the problem. We will take a look deeper...
  18. Dr.U

    Dr.U Bit poster

    Same problem here. We have 32 identical machines, one virtuell and 31 real. W10 1510 32-bit on all of them. All installed Windows updates are equal. All the user settings are copied from one machine to the other. The FF57 on the real machines works properly, on the virtuell machine only some flashs. We tried an update installation and a clean new installation-no difference. If you klick the FF icon in the taskbar AND hold the mouse button down, there ist somthing like an good result. As soon as you release the mouse button the FF window disappears. FF5602 shows no problems.
  19. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Guys, could you do the following:

    1. Run your Windows 10 virtual machine with FF57 installed.
    2. Create the snapshot of this state in Snapshot manager (later you will be able to revert to this state without loss any data)
    3. Deinstall FF57
    4. Install FF56 and remove User Profile with removing all files OR
    5. Install FF57 and share the results.

    Thank you!
  20. Dr.U

    Dr.U Bit poster

    So we performed all the steps alexg proposed. Unfortunally there is no success. After the clear installation of FF56 everthing worked, 5 minutes later the autoupdate installs FF57, and it starts flashing and disappearing. We tried it again, but after the installation of FF56 we deactivated the autoaupdate function and gave it a little rest. 30 minutes later we manually installed FF57 with the usual result. Sorry!
  21. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Dr. U, please confirm you did remove User Profile with files before applying FF57?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017

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