File sharing not working between Mavericks and Parallels w/Snow Leopard Server

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by ffffff, May 12, 2014.

  1. ffffff

    ffffff Bit poster

    Reference this thread, which no one from Parallels seems interested in resolving:

    Mine was the final post. I'll try again:

    I am unable to see the Mavericks (host) drives in my Snow Leopard Server virtual machine (I AM able to see the virtual machine drives in the host OS).

    - newest build of Parallels (Build 9.0.24229, Revision 991745; Tuesday, April 1, 2014)
    - Snow Leopard Server installed (disk newly purchased from Apple). Installation went without a hitch, following these instructions:
    - Parallels Tools installed (I have not had the problems others have had with the tools that "jbell" has had)
    - I am not able to share drives or files from Mavericks to Snow Leopard Server. My configuration is in accordance with Maheeshwar' instructions
    - Note: I AM able to cut/paste text between Mavericks and Snow Leopard Server
    - I am quite familiar with all of this, as I have run Windows 95 and Windows 7 under Parallels for years.

    Thanks in advance for any insight.
  2. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hello ffff,

    Sharing feature can be used only if you have Windows Guest OS.

    It is not possible to share the files and folder if both the Host and the Guest OS are Mac OS X
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  3. Techhead156

    Techhead156 Hunter

    yes it can... In Virtual Machine menu >> Configure, Options, and go to "Sharing" and choose "Home folder" from drop down.

    Make sure "Connected servers" is enabled in Finder > Preferences of Guest OS.

    This is the only way i found, since you cannot drag and drop.
  4. ffffff

    ffffff Bit poster

    Techhead156, thanks for your response. Sadly, this does not work for me. I've tried sharing "Home folder," from Virtual Machine > Configure > Sharing. Also, I've tried the other option, "All disks." Of course, I have the "Map Mac volumes to virtual machine" selected. Over in the Guest OS, I have "Connected servers" selected to view. There is nothing there.

    I've done two clean installs of OS 10.6 Server on to Parallels, with the same result.
  5. Techhead156

    Techhead156 Hunter

    umm... strange,,, this is mine

    Maybe server not handing sharing *shrugs* ?

    Attached Files:

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