Fedora 29 won't boot

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by AndreL1, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. AndreL1

    AndreL1 Member

    Tried the live install, net install and upgrading from 28 (which can boot).

    Attached Files:

  2. EliseH

    EliseH Bit poster

    I've tried all of the above and can't get Fedora 29 to boot either.
  3. AndreL1

    AndreL1 Member

    Talked to support and 29 is not supported. Apparently, it's not YET supported. I think it takes some time till it's supported. Anyways will Fedora die now? :(
  4. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @AndreL1 , you can drop your feature suggestions here, so that it will be viewed by our development team.
  5. Ugo Viti

    Ugo Viti Bit poster


    just installed F29 and it's boot, and get stuck forever on "Starting GDM"...

    so I rebootted in run level 3 and run (on grub menu edit the botting kernel, add '3' to the end of line and press CTRL-X to boot):

    yum install lightdm
    systemctl disable gdm
    systemctl enable lightdm

    Now should works.

    Kind regards
    JamesR28, PaulG12 and AndreL1 like this.
  6. KevinU3

    KevinU3 Bit poster

    AndreL1 and Mark Fine like this.
  7. AndreL1

    AndreL1 Member

    Awesome! It works. It looks like Parallels needs to support newest gdm.
  8. DavidW36

    DavidW36 Bit poster

    I had no troubles installing Fedora 29 on the latest version of Parallels. Weird.
  9. DavidW36

    DavidW36 Bit poster

  10. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Another workaround (sort of because nfs and hardware sensor kernel modules will fail - could be part of the issue here):
    1. Reboot into level 3 or 4, as mentioned above by editing the grub menu and pressing Ctrl-X
    2. Log into root or su
    3. Disable gdm:
    # systemctl disable gdm
    4. Enable kdm:
    # systemctl enable kdm
    5. Connect prl-tools-lin.iso cd image to the virtual cdrom
    6. Remove parallels tools manually
    # insmod /lib/modules/4.19.10-300.fc29.x86_64/kernel/fs/isofs/isofs.ko.xz [Note: Use the kernel version you have here]
    # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
    # cd /mnt
    # ./install
    7. Now follow the instructions to *remove* (not reinstall) parallels tools and reboot

    You should have limited mouse and display capabilities, as well as be able to use nearly any display manager listed in the Session Type, including "Gnome on Xorg".
    Note that it won't automatically pick up a 16:10 or 16:9 VM window, you will have to set that manually as well. Expect the display to slide around with the mouse.
  11. MauricioS

    MauricioS Bit poster

    Question is, why would a solution that is supposed to be virtualizing hardware have to support any given version of an OS? I am coming from VMware fusion, because I read that the integration between the guest OS and Mac is great. However, I have 0 issues spinning up any VM in the other hypervisor. Same for any VM I spin up using KVM/QEMU in Linux. VirtualBox, which is free, also has no issue on the version of the OS, however, it's from Oracle and that makes me feel weird to use it. Can anybody explain this to me? Thanks!
  12. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    No matter... my workaround broke with the latest kernel update.
  13. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    lol... er, not so fast...
    Tried mounting the Tools CD and doing a manual install. Rebooted and now almost everything works in a graphics window under Xserver 1.20 with Parallels Tools, but only if you enable kdm. Seems gdm still hangs in limbo. Next step is to try to get convergence working.
  14. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Well that was short-lived. At a minimum, kernel 4.20.3 changed something that's now incompatible with pvmnet. And that's only the first thing that's failed.
  15. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    So, what happened was pvmnet used to have the functions get_settings/set_settings, which has been deprecated but not removed prior to 4.20. New structure is get_link_ksettings/set_link_ksettings. Former uses ethtool_cmd as the second argument, whereas the latter uses ethtool_link_ksettings. Naturally there's a major rewrite here and not a simple fix.

    Best at this point to just reboot back into 4.19.15-300.fc29, dnf downgrade kernel-headers (which apparently hadn't changed since 4.18.16-300), reinstall parallels-tools, then ensure fc29 stays locked to 4.19.15 in grub and ignores all future kernel upgrades. #joy
  16. farhadshirazi

    farhadshirazi Bit poster

    i had this problem and until now i couldnt solve this problem

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