Error installing OSX Snow Leopard Server 10.6 as a Guest OS

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by dughutch, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. dughutch

    dughutch Bit poster

    Page 62 of the Parallels user manual shows OSX Snow Leopard Server 10.6 as a guest OS. When I try to set up a new VM and proceed with the install I get the message:

    "Mac OSX can't be installed on this computer."

    Any ideas, please?
  2. dughutch

    dughutch Bit poster

    Does the VM HDD need to already be formatted?

    Any ideas here? I was resesarching VirtualBox and they mentioned the following... was not sure if this might also hold true for Parallels?

    "The Mac OS X Server installer expects the harddisk to be partitioned so when it does not offer a selection, you have to launch the Disk Utility from the "Tools" menu and partition the hard disk. Then close the Disk Utility and proceed with the installation."

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