DHCPD, NAT and Network Device

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by rooprob, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. rooprob

    rooprob Bit poster

    Great product for my work with Operating System development on MacIntel.

    My wish list:

    PXE support out of the box - I have worked around this by using pxe boot cd rom from rom-o-matic.net into my own ISC DHCP v3 (into pxelinux.0 from tftp). By setting boot order to HD-CD, I can CD image first boot and once the os is installed, the HD will take priority. If the install fails, I have a script to nuke the disk.hdd file back to "empty".

    Split NAT/DHCP function into two daemons (like VMware on Linux). I initially stopped pvsnat service for my own build of dhcp so that I can PXE boot linux, solaris and Windows (unattended.sourceforge.net) etc. I manage my own dhcpd and named with LDAP so I want to control these myself. I noticed you can restart pvsnat later to find ISC dhcp is still authorative to get NAT function back, but it's still not working for all my hosts (this however is likely to by my own cfg errror). Still it's not very clean. A split nat and dhcpd services with the option of delegating to user installed dhcpd is desired.

    Network Device - RT8029AS as 10Mbit device. It's slow, it's not "out of the box" on later Win2k3 and Solaris 10 resulting in messy kludging to unattended (for windows) and x86.miniroot (for solaris). But it does all work. A faster Intel Epro 100/1000 driver would be nice and it's still supported by everything.

    Otherwise excellent product.

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