Devices not switching between VM properly

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ClarkB, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. ClarkB

    ClarkB Member

    With the latest Parallels update - 11.2.1 (32626), I find that in order to my HP Officejet 6700 from Mac to Windows 10, I have to not only go to Devices and select the Officejet, but I then have to power down and re-start the HP Officejet, or disconnect it and reconnect it. Going from Windows 10 to Mac is fine and I don't have to re-start the device.
  2. Hello ClarkB,
    With Parallels Desktop for Mac, the default Mac OS X printer is automatically used by Windows. You don't need to configure anything.
    Since you are having trouble switching from Mac to Windows 10, try to follow the steps below:
    1-> Reinstall Parallels tools in your Windows virtual machine.
    2-> Make sure you have Add all Mac printers (Share Mac printers) option enabled in virtual machine Configuration -> Hardware -> Print (Shared Printers).
  3. ClarkB

    ClarkB Member

    Parallel Tool re-installed. No change. The problem is less with the printer than it is with the scanner portion of the HP Office Jet. If the Office Jet is not selected (and device restarted), I get a Communication Error.

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