Desktop Wallpaper Black, Background Patterns in Metro Start Menu Disabled

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by fromjosh2u, May 12, 2014.

  1. fromjosh2u

    fromjosh2u Bit poster

    Host: OSX 10.9.2 (Macbook Air 2013)
    Parallels: Parallels Desktop Build 9.0.24229
    Virtual:Windows 8.1

    Greetings All,

    I have 2 issues...

    Issue 1) My desktop wallpaper is black, no matter what image I choose. If I don't use an image as a wallpaper, and choose a solid color as the desktop, I *can* change the background from black to any color. If I change back to an image as the wallpaper, the desktop reverts to solid black. I cannot see an image as my wallpaper.

    Issue 2) In the Metro Start Menu, under settings>personalize, all of the background patterns are greyed out (disabled). I can only choose a solid color.

    Any thoughts on this? I've searched google and the forums, could not find a solution. Any assistance is sincerely appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,
  2. fromjosh2u

    fromjosh2u Bit poster

    Would anyone be willing to help me with this?

    I would really appreciate it. If I need to provide more info please ask. Thank you!
  3. khakionion2

    khakionion2 Bit poster

    You're in the wrong forum, this is for Mac OS X as a *guest* OS.
  4. fromjosh2u

    fromjosh2u Bit poster

    I am sorry, you are correct. I have posted this in the correct forum. Thank you for the direction.

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