This thread was moved from "Installation and Configuration in Mac OS " to "Wish Lists".
I find desktop-integration cool, but I find a few things should have been done and would like to see a few additional features:
- we should be able to set the home folder to be mapped as My Documents ourselves. I do not use home/Documents on the Mac (yes, there is a workaround, but it should be possible to set this in Parallels)
- Windows My Video should be mapped to Mac Movies
- Since 5120 there allegedly is Trash/Recycler-Integration - but I don't see what it consists of (the menu-item "Empty Windows Recicler"?). Cool integration would be, if I see/remove the same contents both in Mac Trash and Windows Recycler. I also do not want to have Windows create a Recycler Subfolder in my Mac home-folder.
- last but not least, a feature-wish: would it be possible to have Mac-links work in Windows and Vice-versa? This would really be lovely. If this is really impossible, maybe it would be a good idea to hide links together with the invisibls/hidden files.
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2007