Default no longer works for default open DOC/DOCX with Word

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RoderickY, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. RoderickY

    RoderickY Bit poster

    For quite some time, I had set my Finder defaults to open DOC/DOCX files with Word (Win version), rather than Pages. Coming in to the office on a Monday morning, I was surprised that my DOC/DOCX files had reverted to Pages.

    When I tried going Get Info >> Open with, I would browse to the Microsoft to find that it was greyed out (not selectable). In addition, clicking the Word icon in my Dock would cause a little question mark to be superimposed on the icon.

    My solution was to restart both Windows and Mac, whereupon Microsoft was now available as a context menu option.

    On a side note, here is the knowledge base article for setting your application defaults: Desktop User's Guide/32927.htm

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