Dead parallels

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by cmo, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. cmo

    cmo Bit poster

    After a bad crash and kernel panic while closing down WinXP, Parallels no longer starts. I just tried to upgrade to Beta 5 and it won't install. It errors with a not-very-helpful "'There were errors installing the software. Please try installing again". I get the same error every time.

    Now if I try to start it it errors on start-up 'cannot communicate with one of its drivers'. Tried a machine re-start, no help.

    So perhaps I have no choice but to un-install and install from scratch but I can seem to do that even. Any idea how I should do a complete un-install anyone?

  2. ernie

    ernie Member

    I am getting the same error after upgrading to Beta 5

    I tried trashing it and installing again with no luck, must be some remnants of the previous beta still as the installer says upgrade not install as you would have expected on the button even after I put the old application into the trash.
  3. cmo

    cmo Bit poster

    Same here - tried trashing it, but it's not uninstalling. So, simple question, how do you un-install in order to do a complete new fresh install?

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