Configured 512MB but eats whole box?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by rowr, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. rowr

    rowr Bit poster

    I'm using the 3188 trial and I noticed that even with as little as 384MB allocated to a WinXP installation that the memory usage causes my Macbook to swap quite a bit. I can understand XP swapping with so little memory but i'm seeing Mac OS pageouts before the XP desktop appears.

    Is there something i'm doing wrong? I read through the forums that Parallels itself needs around 96MB... but with 1GB free memory I wouldn't expect to see any pageouts with a tiny 384MB allocation for XP.

    As a side note... Life seems better with the paging file disabled on XP. At least I know when i'm reaching the end of my rope within the VM. I'd rather get a warning that i'm out of memory in XP than thrash my hard disk writing the XP pagefile.

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