Closing Parallels applications

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by supertechkid, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. supertechkid

    supertechkid Bit poster

    I have recently started using coherence and crystal modes with my Parallels 5, and I would like to see an extra feature added to at least the crystal mode. It would be great if you could add it across ALL of Parallels. Anyhow, when working with Mac applications, the default keyboard command to quit an application is "command+q" but it does not carry over to within Parallels. When running in full screen it would be nice to have that carry into Windows as "Alt+F4", or when running in coherence and crystal modes, for it to quit the selected application if it is a Windows application running from Parallels. Currently in crystal mode it displays an application menu for the selected application, and shows the keyboard combination to quit, but when trying to use it, it prompts what to do with the running virtual machine because it's trying to kill Parallels Desktop, instead of just the application.

    As a side note, when running in crystal mode and switching from a Mac application to one running in Parallels, it does not change the application menu to reflect the change, unless the dock icon is selected, you switch to another Parallels application, or using "command+tab" to change to the application. It would be great if you correct that issue when implementing the "command+q" option so that it doesn't by chance kill the wrong program. It appears that it does register that Parallels is the application, but failure to update the application menu might cause issues when closing an application running in Parallels (mostly when trying to close the application from the application menu it appears, but just to be safe).

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