Click in inactive window

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by bartho, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. bartho

    bartho Member

    Here's an interface issue that has been bugging me (sorry if it has already been reported, didn't find anything when searching):

    If you put Parallels in the background, and then click inside the VM-window, Parallels will passthrough the click to the VM instead of just activating the (Mac OS X) window.

    However, Apple's Human Interface Guidelines has stated since the eighties or so that a click in an inactive window should only activate the window, not take any action based on the click (with a few exceptions, see references below). Windows, on the other hand, has the activate-window-and-take-action that Parallels currently uses.

    How about adding a preference "Click in inactive window: [x] Activates window. [ ] Activates window and clicks."? (In case some users have already grown accustomed to the non-standard behaviour.)

    References: (lists some of the situations where click-through can be useful, but "In many cases, however, click-through could confuse a user who clicks an item unintentionally.")

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