Clean VM shutdown

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by gneagle, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. gneagle

    gneagle Bit poster

    I understand that this feature request is OS-specific; that is, that it cannot be implemented in a Guest-OS-independent manner...

    I would like an option when quitting Parallels or closing a VM window to do a "clean" shutdown of the guest OS - specifically Windows XP.

    Currently the options are Suspend or Stop. Stop is an ungraceful exit, similar to turning off the power or pulling the plug. Suspend is what most users do. But I'd like the option to cleanly shutdown the Guest OS.

    Here's why: I am deploying a highly-customized Windows XP VM to allow Mac users to access certain Windows apps. This VM is customized so that all user data is stored in the users' home directory - nothing is stored in the VM's boot HDD image file. This allows me to roll out OS updates, security patches, and additional Windows apps by simply replacing the WinXP.hdd file with an updated one. This works great, as long as the VM is cleanly shut down. So I need a way to do this from the Host OS end - ideally, it would just happen as Parallels quit when the user logs out, or when another process told Parallels to quit.

    In this way, the Guest is cleanly shutdown; I can swap out the WinXP.hdd, and the user is none the wiser. If the machine is instead Suspended, I cannot cleanly swap out the WinXP.hdd.

    Greg Neagle
    Sr Systems Engineer
    Walt Disney Animation Studios
  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    I second that request. It would be great to see an option to allow a clean shutdown.
  3. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Have you guys tried searching?

    I vaguely remember something about this a fair while ago.

    Don't know if there was any resolution.
  4. gneagle

    gneagle Bit poster

    I have searched, but the consensus seems to be that Parallels would have to add support for this.
  5. mmulin

    mmulin Member

    .. VPC had it but it really would be great to see it again.

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