cisco anyconnect adapter problem

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by JakubH1, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. JakubH1

    JakubH1 Bit poster


    i run win11 on Macbook air on parallels and cisco anyconnect vpn app cant create virtual adapter, any suggestion?

    7:59:23 PM User credentials entered.
    7:59:23 PM Please respond to banner.
    7:59:24 PM User accepted banner.
    7:59:24 PM Establishing VPN session...
    7:59:24 PM The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks...
    7:59:24 PM Checking for profile updates...
    7:59:24 PM Checking for customization updates...
    7:59:24 PM Performing any required updates...
    7:59:24 PM The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
    7:59:25 PM Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
    7:59:25 PM Establishing VPN session...
    7:59:25 PM Establishing VPN - Examining system...
    7:59:25 PM Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
    7:59:25 PM Establishing VPN - Attempting to repair VPN adapter...
    7:59:25 PM Connection attempt has failed.
    7:59:25 PM VPN session ended.
  2. Sergii1

    Sergii1 Bit poster

    hi did you solve this problem?
  3. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    If you are facing an issue with Cisco Anyconnect , for us to further investigate the technical issue, kindly provide us with the following information:
    1. Detailed explanation, with all steps by steps followed, to reproduce the issue.
    2. Screenshot of error message you are receiving (if any).
    3. Collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.

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