CHKDISK runs at every boot - file problems

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by hvolmer, May 7, 2007.

  1. hvolmer

    hvolmer Junior Member

    Since last Friday, every time I boot Parallels, CHKDISK scans my drive G:. I've also had problems with a few important files on the drive and have had to revert to daily backups. This is rather frustrating. I don't know if the two are related.

    Anyone have any ideas why CHKDISK runs every time I boot? It never reports any errors.

    Thanks, Heath
  2. NSUser

    NSUser Bit poster

    Same here

    I don't have any solutions, but for what it's worth I've been having exactly the same problem for a few weeks now. I'm running Vista Ultimate under Parallels (build 3188) on a MacBook Pro with 2GB of memory. I'm doing a fair bit of disk-intensive stuff in the VM environment (compiling a large base of C++ source with Visual Studio, to be precise).

    After a few compiles, one or more of the files will almost always become corrupt. Sometimes it's my source, sometimes it's one of the VS .h or library files, but in all cases part of the contents get replaced with gibberish and I have to reinstall it.

    Even when I don't see direct corruption, CHKDSK runs on every startup. In my case, it always finds problems that need to be fixed.

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