Caps Lock, Num Lock, insert/scroll, Func Lock, and Language Bar Indicators

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by NicholasD11, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. NicholasD11

    NicholasD11 Bit poster

    I would like to see a customizable tool providing a way to turn off the annoying floating Caps lock indicator in the middle of the Windows 11 screen and replacing it with an alternative indicator with visual and audio options that can optionally be placed by the user on 1 or all of the following areas: taskbar, system tray or information tool bar, to indicate the setting of Caps Lock, Num Lock, Func Lock, Insert/Overtype, Scroll lock, and Language Keyboard Selection Bar in both windows VM and the Mac Host OS. it would be ideal if this looked like an bar or panel of LED text with customizable 'Font foreground and background colors: = Bold and Bright, Selected Color(s) Indicating ON, and Off = Dimmed with Selected customized Colors or Not Showing at ALL.


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