Cant share Virtual Machine between users

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Hammerman, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. Hammerman

    Hammerman Bit poster

    On my macbook pro I have two users accounts, the virtual disks are in a shared location, but the other user cannot open the virtual machine.

    error = Unable to lock out the configuration file /library/virtual Disks/winxp.1/winxp.1.pvs

    Any help greatly appreciated!!
  2. djones

    djones Bit poster

    I was able to get it to work by changing permissions on the directory and included Parallels files for the virtual machine on "Other" to "Read & Write".

    That doesn't feel very secure, so I'd appreciate an alternate solution.
  3. n9yty

    n9yty Member

    You could change the group ownership of the directory/files to a newly created group, put both your users in there, and then make it all group read/writeable, that way you wouldn't have to use world read/write perms.

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