can't move window to attached screens

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ||xplorer, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    Version 15.1.2 (47123) running on Retina MBP MacOS 10.14.6

    Symptom: I disconnected ny MBP from the 3 screens it is attached to in clamshell mode and visited a colleague to whom I showed some PPT files (running on Windows 10 VM). Back to my office, I reconnected my 3 screens to the MBP and to my surprise found out that I could not drag a VM window from the center screen to the side ones. The window would partially show on the side screen, but there was no way for me to move it fully, as if blocked by some invisible boundaries.
    Obviously there was no such limitation for MacOS windows.
    I suspect a bug.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you check this KB article?
  3. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    No, but this is not the point of my report: obviously I have the correct settings, as I get the expected behavior before I disconnect my MBP.
    It is only when I reconnect the MBP that I can't seem to be able to access the side screens. Actually, it is even more perverse than that, as I can start dragging a window from the center screen to the side ones, and see part of the migrating window on the side screens, but can't move my mouse to the side screens to complete the move.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    You lost Settings after MacBook restart, right?
    Please collect the tech report right after the issue reproduced and post report's ID here.
  5. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    I did not restart the MBP. Just disconnected external screens from the MBP, and when I came back from my presentation, reconnected them.

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