I had XP working in parallels just fine. I then installed Vista separately in a different VM. Next thing I know I can't run the old one. It gives me two options but when I select XP I get the following error.... NTLDR is missing PRess ctrl+alt+del to restart If I then switch to boot from disc (an xp install disc) I get a message saying the boot from cd/dvd drive....failed I tried a fresh install with XP and same problem. So I thought my xp disc was corrupted but when I launch vista in parallels and then load the disc in the setup wiz for xp starts. Any thoughts?? New to this and not sure what to do.
I believe I believe I may have the solution to your problem As a long time windows user I know that when one updates s previous operating program such as you had with your xp, the new program, in yor case Vista, overrides and replaces the previous operating system. I do not know whether using another VM would prevent this. Your system might still retain a visible link but will not open it up because it is no longer there. Just a thoght. nicola