Can´t create any virtual machine - "The specified configuration file is invalid."

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by AndreasF19, Nov 26, 2024.

  1. AndreasF19

    AndreasF19 Bit poster

    Hi all,
    I installed Parallels for Mac Silicon, but this isn´t the issue, but after this I can't load or create a virtual machine.
    Not Windows, not Ubuntu etc... (licensed)
    Error Message (translated): "
    "The specified configuration file is invalid.Verify that the specified file is a valid configuration file for a Parallels virtual machine and that it is not corrupted or select a different file." - German: "Die angegebene Konfigurationsdatei ist ungültig.
    Überprüfen Sie, ob es sich bei der angegebenen Datei um eine gültige Konfigurationsdatei für eine virtuelle Maschine von Parallels handelt und dass sie nicht beschädigt ist oder wählen Sie eine andere Datei."​

    Any idea?
    I installed v18 on my new M4 (and moved serial/licence to this machine). Licence is valid.


    Attached Files:

  2. AndreasF19

    AndreasF19 Bit poster

    Support ID Nr: 476582148
  3. SebastianB19

    SebastianB19 Bit poster

  4. KonoK


    Same here. My experience is with version 18 on Mac mini M4 Pro. I can't load or create all virtual machines including Windows and Linux. The error message is "The configuration file you specified is invalid".
  5. FrankG13


    Any solutions? I have the same problem
  6. FrankG13


    After installing the latest Version (20.1.2) the problem is solved. Win 11 is starting.
  7. ChrisW30

    ChrisW30 Bit poster

    I am having this issue too - PVMP file will not open on 2019 Intel Mac with Parallels 20 Pro
  8. ChrisW30

    ChrisW30 Bit poster

    I have been working with an agent on this - it appears that the PVM's config file was corrupted during the compression process in creating the PVMP. Been a tad frustrating to get a solution which should be bypassing the "checks" the compression tool moves through when validating a PVMP so it can decompress the file, even with a bad config file. That would give me access to the HDD file within the PVM and the ability to recover my data by creating a new VM with that HDD. Getting access to this decompression tool has been difficult.
  9. JakeJ2


    That sounds like a frustrating issue! It might be related to a corrupted configuration file or compatibility issues with the virtual machine images. Try uninstalling and reinstalling Parallels to ensure all components are set up correctly. If that doesn't work, verify the integrity of your VM files or download fresh copies of the images you want to use. Also, check if the settings match the requirements for Mac Silicon. On a side note, while dealing with tech headaches, I've been exploring some shipping options and comparing umac box sizes--definitely handy for organizing! Hope you get it resolved soon!
  10. SebastianB19

    SebastianB19 Bit poster

    Ok is there any solution? I can't do anything and that's depressived
  11. ChrisW30

    ChrisW30 Bit poster

    This is still outstanding with the Parllels support team and their development team. I have another IT team working on it as well. The IT team was able to uncompress the file but it is currently heavily fragmented. Not sure what they will be able to recover - all I really want is the HDD file to create a new VM.
  12. SebR


    I'm experiencing the exact same issue described above. None of the usual fixes helped (reinstall, check permissions, update systems, etc.) See report ID 484043224.
  13. ChrisW30

    ChrisW30 Bit poster

    Start a support ticket. You may not get it back but at least the more people with the issue, the better the chances are that they begin to care.

    I am still actively following up with my ticket. It's been over 2 months. They have pushed me off to the development team which tells me that they don't know how to fix it. I also engaged a third party IT service to help - they were able to unpack the machine however the HDD is so badly fragmented that they are having issues recovering. I do not get any updates from Customer Service or the Development Team unless I request them. If I request an update, I simply get a canned scripted "If the Development team has an update, they will send it." Which is not exactly what I want to hear.

    I have dealt with numerous individuals in customer service as well and the experience has mediocre at best.

    I have been a pretty loyal Parallels user for over 10 years but this whole experience has me looking elsewhere for a solution on a VM solution for me and my firm.
  14. katel2


    It seems like your configuration file might be corrupted or incompatible with Parallels for Mac Silicon. Try checking the file format creating a new VM or reinstalling Parallels. Also ensure your VM image is compatible with Mac Silicon and check file permissions if it's on an external drive.
  15. Mijscha


    Just in case someone encounters a similar issue according to this error message and doesn't know what's going on:

    After replacing my Intel Mac Pro with an M4 Pro, I got the error message: "Die angegebene Konfigurationsdatei ist ungültig." / "The specified configuration file is invalid."

    The reason for this was an incompatibility between Parallels 18 and macOS 15 (Sequoia) (see Parallels Knowledge Base). This happened just 1.5 years after purchasing the software with a one-time license. After upgrading to Parallels 20, everything worked fine again. I'm just a bit disappointed with how short the one-time purchase lasted.

    Hope this helps someone.


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