Can't connect to a server based app

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by [email protected], May 11, 2007.


    [email protected] Bit poster

    Moved from "How to"

    We have a windows server based phone system. I can not connect to it at all from within parallels though I can connect to the file shares. Does Paralells limit the type of traffic that can pass to the guest operating system? I tried to reinstall the app from the network share and got a message saying that it could not find a file with an .msi extension. After getting the message I pulled the installer (and it's directory) from the file share and tried installing again. No problems there, but when I try to connect to the server, it says that the server cannot be found. I only have this problem under win2k. I did a clean XP install on another imac from within Parallels and it connects fine? Anyone else have similar issues? The win2k install connects fine to the internet useing any of the methods. The server just doesn't seem to connect. I also input the IP insead of the DNS entry to try to get around this figuring that possibly parrallels was not using my DNS servers.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2007

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