Can't burn CD's using Recordnow Premier 8

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by DennisMMM, May 10, 2007.

  1. DennisMMM

    DennisMMM Bit poster

    Dear support,

    I have got the following problem.

    Parrallels version 3188 is running Windows XP Professional SP2 on a MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo)
    The DVD-RW drive is a Matshita DVD-R UJ-85J.

    I don't succed to burn CD's using Roxio RecordNow Premier 8.
    First Recordnow crashed while accessing the empty media. After installing all Windows XP updates it doesn't crash but it says that my empty media is not good. I have tried it several times with several CD-R's and different files to burn.

    I have also sent a problem report today.

    Burning CD's with Windows Explorer and Nero express 6 DOES work, although it goes slower than normal.

    My observations:
    I notice slower performance of my optical drive.
    When I go to the device manager i see that it runs at Ultra DMA mode 1.

    I would be very happy to hear a solution or to know if this problem will be fixed.

    Thanks and kind regards,
  2. DennisMMM

    DennisMMM Bit poster


    If the question isn't clear, I can try and provide more information.

  3. mmika

    mmika Pro

    Hello DennisMMM!
    Our tester have tried to reproduce your problem, but they couldn't.
    Also, I could not reproduce too... We have checked it with all our drives, but it works.
    But unfortunately we haven't such drive as you specified.
    May be problem in Recordnow Premier 8? Have you tried it into bootcamp?

    What do you mean when you are saying: "I notice slower performance of my optical drive."?
    Slower in comparison with? Are you expected that it will be work as bootcamp? Of couse we are trying to improve performance as mush as possible, but we are working through the OSX anyway...
  4. DennisMMM

    DennisMMM Bit poster

    Thank you for your efforts to repoduce the problem!

    With "I notice slower performance of my optical drive." I mean that the read/write speed of the DVD-RW drive is much slower at times. When I use NERO it does read/write CD's but only at a tenth of the speed so it takes ages. I'm sure this is not normal and there must be someting wrong with my system/settings.

    In my devicemanager the DVD-RW drive is listed with the setting "Ultra DMA mode 1". I know that generally a burner is capable of "Ultra DMA mode 2".

    According to the Matshita (Panasonic) website the drive supports DMA66 (DMA mode 4). Which is quite unusual for optical drives. Maybe thats why Windows doesn't recognize it and chooses a slow setting. Am I on the right track? Or am I looking in the wrong direction?

    Otherwise the overall performance of parallels is great.

    Is there anything you recommend me to do/check?

  5. mmika

    mmika Pro

    I'll check your guesstimate. It's not a problem to report that parallels virtual drive supports UDMA 4 or even 5 :) . But it is a report to IDE controller that drive supports this transfer mode. So your drive is not a reason of.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007

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