Can't browse internet on os X after running WinXP in parralels!

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by justin_whan, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. justin_whan

    justin_whan Bit poster

    To put it simply, after I run windows XP in parallels, I can't browes the internet in safari or firefox. Nor can I use i-tunes, if it is not been previously opened. The only way I can overcome this problem is to reboot the os X, which totally defeats the purpose of having parallels. I might as well just us bootcamp. But I doo like the freedom of beeing able to tun both systemes at the same time. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I can do to solve this problem.
  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Strange... Check your System Preferences -> Network to see if the two new connections somehow made it higher in the list than your connection to the internet.

    Whatever is the connection that connects to the internet SHOULD be on top.

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