Cannot print in XP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by mschenk, May 11, 2006.

  1. mschenk

    mschenk Bit poster

    I have a printer connected via a USB 2 to the iMac. In Parallels Device menu the printer shows up in the list. When I select the printer it tells me there is no USB 2 port on my machine. If I unplug the printer from the computer while in Parallels and then plug it back in, I can install the drivers and send a page to the printer but the printer gets hung up and I get the blue screen of death. I tried installing Bonjour and when I open the Bonjour printing wizard I get a message that the Bonjour service is not available. I also cannot connect to the internet.

    BTW I know NOTHING about networks so please describe steps. I have seen solutions to similar problems in the forums but I can't follow because knowledge is assumed.

    Any suggestions

    Thank you

    PS - This is the MOST frustrating piece of software I have ever used.
  2. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    Question in the wrong place

    1) It's BETA software. That means it is available for testing so that users can help the developers find bugs. If it werent full of bugs, it wouldn't be beta. It should be a lot less frustrating when it's out of beta and shipping. I don't find it frustrating because I don't expect everything to work properly yet.

    2) You posted your question in the "How To" forum which is a place to publish solutions, not ask about problems. I suggest you SEARCH all the forums for answers to your question (you may find the question hsd been asked and answered) and then if you don't find anything helpful, ask your question in either the technical discussion forum or the general question forum.

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