Hi there, I cannot get back into parallels on my macbookpro as it is hanging on creating a snapshot at present. Choosing forcequit does not resolve the problem either. What can I do? Regards Peter
It's happening to me now too! I can't get into my Parallels and it's hanging on "Creating a snapshot"...
I have the same problem. I was trying to delete the snapshot, it was hanging, so I forcequit the machine, turn off the computer, several times. now, I open it, it hangs.... reported the problem to Parallels ID 6224066. PLease anybody HELP. the only reason we use PD is for work. iMac24, intel 2.8 ghz, 3 gb ram, pd5.0.9344, winXP
This might not be much help to you, but I wasn't able to actually solve the problem. It happens that I had saved a complete operating system on my backup USB drive and so I restored from there and rebuilt everything. Lucky for me, I basically keep programs on the Windows drive and all of the files but one (which is backed up every time I use it) are on my Mac.