Can I install XP from the "VPC for Mac v.7" installation disk?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Lutesmith, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. Lutesmith

    Lutesmith Bit poster

    I've just bought an Intel MacBook for the mrs and got the Parallels to install XP for her. The folks at Mac said I should be able to install from VPC for Mac (version 7 w/ XP Home) which I had used for my older PPC.

    I installed the Parallels Desktop software but it hangs up when I insert the VPC disk that has the XP software.

    Am I missing something? Can I really use this version of XP?

    many thanks,
  2. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Lutes mith,

    You stand far more chance of having a mac technical question answered on the mac technical forum.
  3. patrous

    patrous Bit poster

    Using VPC install disk to make an WinXP iso file for Parallels

    It is possible, I did it, it was time consuming and you will need to extract various files from your VPC instal disk. To do that you will need to use your old mac running virtual PCor a PC computer to go fetch these files and build up an ISO file to use as an installer for Parallels.
    Check the for various input.

    I copied below some notes I had saved when I did it. Hope that helps

    Instructions for owners of VirtualPC with a third CD called "Additional Windows System Files"

    1.Take the i386 folder from the "Additional Windows System Files" CD and put it in a folder called XP-CD on your PC (c:\XP-CD).

    2. Create a WIN51 file and a WIN51IP (Pro edition) or WINIC (home edition) file and put the files in the XP-CD folder. Create the files with a text editor. The files contain the word "Windows". The files have no extension.

    3. Get the WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe file from the Microsoft website and put it in another folder. Name the folder XP-SP2 (c:\XP-SP2).

    4. Slipstream the SP2 file into the XP-CD folder. It doesn't matter that your original is already a SP2. We need to do this step to get a setup.exe file. The procedure is explained here:

    5. Then put an AUTORUN.INF file into the XP-CD folder. Create the file with a text editor. The Autorun file contains the following instructions:

    6. Get the boot image here:
    You can put the boot.ima file anywhere on the PC.

    7. Burn a bootable CD from the content of the XP-CD folder as explained on the winxp-sp2-bootcd website. You don't need to change the name of the boot.ima file to "Microsoft Corporation.img" file. Also the boot image file doesn't need to be in the XP-CD folder. If the boot image is selected in the boot tab it will be burned into the boot sector of the CD. That is all that is needed.

    I didn't burn a CD but just made an iso file. Here are the command line I use to create it:

    c:\bcd type enter

    next command line type bcd wxppro typer enter

    then it will go through checking all files and building the ISO file

    cd c:\bcd

    I have more notes from various threads I save if needed.
    Good luck
  4. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Now that's the bit that should go on the howto forum.
  5. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    you can also use the Key that comes with XP in VPC, with the ordinary, buy in the shops retail version of XP. Obtain the retail version of XP and youre all set.
  6. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    As was said, you can but it is a pain... I didn't bother, I could go make enough to buy an OEM for that work.

    I am pretty sure that if you were to get Virtual PC installed you could import that drive now though... Which might require you to re-activate, but you just use the same license code that came with the CD.

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