I understand that htis might be somewhat "obscure" Hardware but it is really annoying. I tried using a Chipcon (now) Evaluation kit for their RF transceivers and which connects via USB to the PC.
I was able to install drivers under Parallels (4128), but whenver I run their included packetsniffer applicaton I get a BSOD with "BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER"
Parallels wonky USB support is really a bit annoying when doing embedded development (If you search this forums you'll see that I also whined about bad JTAG adapter support). I'd really appreciate stable USB support for devices besides mass storage.
Ok some information from Apples System profiler:
Version: 24.20
Bus-Strom (mA): 500
Geschwindigkeit: Bis zu 12 MBit/s
Hersteller: Chipcon
Produkt-ID: 0xeb11
Hersteller-ID: 0x11a0
Find USBProber information in attached screenshot.
The board uses an Cypress EZ-USB FX for USB connectivity if that is of any relevance.
Any ideas how I can get this to work?