Bug: Caps Lock

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by game_hunter, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. game_hunter

    game_hunter Junior Member

    I've noticed that within a guest OS the Caps Lock can get confused. Sometimes I will have it on and go into the OS where it was last off and then the OS will register it as still off while it is, in fact, on. I'm sure you get the idea.

    I'm running Workstation 2.1 Beta4 on a max spec Intel Mac mini Duo Core with Max OS 10.4.6 and the guest OS is Windows 98SE (Chinese)
  2. RandyS

    RandyS Member

    I can confirm this. In fact, I wanted to explore the somewhat sporadic symptoms I saw during Windows XP installation, but the other bigger problem I reported a little while ago interfered with that.

    Randall Schulz
  3. game_hunter

    game_hunter Junior Member

    One I noticed...

    Other than this large scale bug I noticed that in DOS during the install process for Windows the backslash key did not work. That made working in DOS a real pain though the problem disappeared once I was in Windows.

    I also noticed that the number pad doesn't work.

    HON C TSOI Bit poster

    I noticed same problem with number pad but if you toggle the "clear" key it works excepts no decimal point.
  5. IMNiles

    IMNiles Junior Member

    I can also confirm the caps-lock-gets-confused issue. Sometimes I have to switch to a mac app and back to get it un-confused. I also use alt-w-2 all the time to switch windows in devstudio, and find that once in awhile the vm becomes convinced the '2' key is stuck down until I hit some other key..
  6. jfb

    jfb Bit poster

    The behavior is pretty predictable for me. Hitting caps lock twice in the VM is the same as hitting it once outside the VM. Things get a little whacky then if you switch from VM and back after hitting caps lock only once.

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