BSOD on 3170 - How to capture screen?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by edwardd20, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    I was running 3150 yesterday from a boot camp partition. I upgraded to 3170. The upgrade seemed to go smooth. I was running in parallels and windows XP Pro asked me to download a whole bunch of updates again (I thought I was current as of Thursday). I installed all of the updates, then booted into boot camp mode for an evening of game playing. This morning when I tried to start Parallels, I get a quick start, then a BSOD then an immediate reboot. It's basically an infinite loop. Sure I can get out by pressing Escape to halt the auto boot but I have to stop Parallels to prevent the cycle.

    I've tried all of the various Safe modes. I've tried to recover from a previous checkpoint.

    I tried to delete the partition from Parallels and re-create it new. No luck.

    I un-installed 3170 then re-installed 3150 and re-tried to start my partition. No luck.

    I can still boot into Boot Camp mode fine.

    I tried to remove the Parallels Tools while in boot camp but it tells me I must be in VM mode to so that.

    So I'm asking for help on two fronts. 1) How can I halt and capture the BSOD so I can present the screen for somebody to debug it? 2) How can I get back to being operational under Parallels boot camp partition again?

    Oh, my machine is a MBP, 2.33 with 2G and 256M X1600 graphics.
  2. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    I can add a little more to my saga. I manged to get a partial snap shot. The attached image is dimmed because I managed to pause the machine to capture it.

    Attached Files:

  3. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    Here is a better screen capture.

    Can somebody tell me how to completely remove Parallels so I can re-install from scratch? I tried to uninstall but it isn't asking me for my serial number again so I'm missing something.

    Attached Files:

  4. unused_user_name

    unused_user_name Pro

    This was copy/pasted from MSDN help:

    I would guess that something messed up the partition table on your disc. Grab a copy of partition magic or something similar and see what you can do...
  5. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    I understand the veribage of what was said, but won't the I/O controller be Parallels? As I said initially, I can still boot via Boot Camp fine.

    What I didn't say before was that my partition is FAT32 if that matters.
    I also didn't explicitly say that Parallels is accessing a boot camp partition.

    I'll try to get a copy of Partition Magic to see if that tells me anything. On that same line, how about a Norton Disk Doctor or something of that nature?


    Last edited: Feb 20, 2007
  6. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    I realize this is community forum but I'm dis-appointed that it's been a week with no solution. I still can't use Parallels.

    I submitted a normal bug report, a beta bug report and posted here.


  7. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    My problem still occurs with the production release. :(
  8. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    Interesting. I sent an email to sales@ asking if I did a paid telphone call to support, would they be able to provide a response. No response from the sales either.
  9. mountlion

    mountlion Bit poster

    I just saw the same error today ...

    I copied an old disk image (with duplicate in Finder) and renamed it to have the right name. Windows didn't start anymore and I came into the same loop with the same error message (and the same problems to catch the screen of the VM). After spending a lot of time with testing different things I just copied the image a second time ...... and Windows started again.

    I've absolutely no idea why it worked again or why it didn't work before.

    Anyway, this probably doesn't help you too much ....

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