Booting Ubuntu 10.10 from USB drive

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by NoorezK, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. NoorezK

    NoorezK Bit poster

    I successfully created and installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a Parallels 6 VM. I then transfered the pvm file to an external USB drive and removed the pvm file from my main hard drive. I then opened the virtual machine from the usb drive however ubuntu did not boot successfully. It only got as far as the loading screen.

    Any ideas on what is happening?
  2. junknstuff

    junknstuff Bit poster

    i am having the same issues. i simply moved my .pvm file to an external and also pointed the Default Parallels folder to my /external/Parallels yet it's not allowing the vm to boot.

    i get the error message attached. is this the same issue you're having?

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