I am new to Mac, and I have experimented with both extensively (instal, reinstall, different drive configurations, etc) on my Mac Pro. With the difference the Intel processor makes for Parallels (it is not at all like Parallels on a non-intel Mac), I find that it is more convenient than Boot Camp.
I settled on using 2 drives in a striped RAID for my system and I also had various problems with Boot Camp installs in RAID. So that is why I experimented so much (meaning I went back and forth with NON-Raid with Boot Camp, Non -Raid with Parallels, and Raid with Parallels).
For my use (primatily Photographic stuff (moving to Mac, of course) and office, no Games, I am strongly in favor of Parallels. Subjectively, XP is like it was on my HP Workstation, either on a single drive, or with RAID.
Last edited: Apr 21, 2007