Bluetooth preference panel is gone?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by blucci, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. blucci

    blucci Bit poster

    Moved from "How to"

    I have a an Apple Bluetooth Mighty Mouse and Bluetooth keyboard, both of which usually work fine. Today, all of a sudden they do not in Parallels. If Parallels is not open then everything is fine. Once I open parallels the Bluetooth icon next to my mac clock says "Bluetooth not available" and both or useless. Somehow it even REMOVES the bluetooth preference panel from the mac system preferences. I can use the trackpad and keyboard to close it and they both come back. Very strange. Any one have any ideas?


    2.33 Macbook Pro 2G RAM
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2007
  2. dtcbos

    dtcbos Bit poster

    bluetooth and parallels

    I'm sorry but this doesn't answer your question.

    I am a spankin newbie to Mac and have a new iMac and only have bluetooth keyboard and mouse. I want to run WinXP and am considering Parallels.

    Can I download and install Parallels and have it run with my bluetooth keyboard and mouse? or do I need to go and buy a USB keyboard and mouse for the installation portions?

    Dan C.
  3. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Have you tried completely un-installing Parallels and then re-installing it? (you can save your .hdd file and that is fine) Here is the thread:

    Dan, yes, that should work. I do that all the time at our office.
  4. dtcbos

    dtcbos Bit poster

    Bluetooth keyboard and mouse for installation?

    Thanks Eru. More specifically, can I do the who installation with bluetooth keyboard and mouse only?
    Thanks again,

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