Blue Snowball Mic

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by DJMax, May 23, 2007.

  1. DJMax

    DJMax Bit poster

    I was just trying to get my Blue Snowball Mic to work in Parellels with Windows XP Home, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm just wondering if this is a known problem or is there something I'm doing wrong. I was using Winamp with the SAM encoder and sending it to a Shoutcast server on another computer. The music played fine, but when I did a line recording, it just sounded strange. It did the same thing in the audio device setup, so I know it's not a problem with Shoutcast and the SAM encoder. The mic seems to work great in Garageband, so it's not a hardware issue with the mic.
  2. spectre

    spectre Parallels Team


    There are some issues with the sound recording quality in the VM, which we are aware about and are working on fixing them.
    Try applying workarounds from this thread -, it helps in the most cases.

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