Bios Update Message from Win7

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by nnapier, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. nnapier

    nnapier Bit poster

    My Win7 VM tells me that the bios needs updating, following a serious crash.

    "During the crash analysis, we noticed the basic input/output system (BIOS) version on this computer does not match the specifications for the central processing unit (CPU), also known as a processor, that is installed on your computer. This can occur when a newer processor is installed on an older system board or older BIOS. Using a BIOS that does not support the installed processor can result in Windows system crashes. Contact your computer manufacturer or motherboard manufacturer for an updated version of BIOS for your computer's processor."

    But how can this be the case, and what should I do?

    My old XP VM runs fine, but the Win 7 WM runs incredibly slowly.

    Any ideas?


  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi, Nick!

    Did you update to 11994?

    As for the message - don't worry, VMs don't need BIOS updates.

    Thank you.
  3. nnapier

    nnapier Bit poster

    Thanks Alev,

    Was on v 11992, so just upgrading.

    Thanks for the advice, but I know vm don't need a bios update; it's the fact that Win7 'encountered a serious error' and thought this was the problem that I wanted to sort out, as the VM has been performing very slowly. (XP works fine).

    Ill see how 11994 performs.


    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2011
  4. jeanniel

    jeanniel Bit poster

    still a problem

    I have update 11994 and still the bios message is a problem (it appeared after a BSOD) Are parallels team ever going to look at resolve it
  5. ErichH

    ErichH Bit poster

    While it's obvious that end-users cannot update the BIOS, the Parallels hypervisor provides a BIOS, henceforth, from time to time those BIOS most certainly need to be updated.
  6. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    You are right. Parallels could release new BIOS in their updates and no actions from users will be required.
  7. rffegley

    rffegley Bit poster

    When might we get this BIOS update to hypervisor? This is happening to me as well. Windows Xp, Macbook Pro, OSX 10.6.7, Parallels 6.0.11994 Revision 637263.
  8. BobbyC1

    BobbyC1 Bit poster

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone has the answer yet? My system crashes almost every other time I use Parallels. I am running Windows 7 and I thought that after I updated to Parallels 7 and problem would go away. Today, another serious crash. The only thing windows keeps telling me is that this is a Bios problem. I have been waiting for a year now, and now looking at this blog I can see this problem older than a year. Please advice me of a solution.

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